I've been cross referencing every single paypal payment from the paypal "payment recieved" history screen about twice a day. I look at the names of the payments, and I match them to the AW2K ledger screen. If I find a payment I can't match, I look at the details and get an auction ID. So far I've caught 2 in the last 3 days this way.
So tonight I'm doing the same thing....and I find that the 2 last payments made about 2 hours ago are not recorded in AW2K. I look them up, and also find that AW2K hasn't recorded those auction ID's as sold yet. Why is that? Well, Ebay has yet to send me sales notifications AND paypal has yet to send me payment notifications.
Ran an Aw2K update and recorded the payments...but ARGH!
and UGH!
Edited by tradeguy on 05/31/08 06:58 PM (server time).