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06/04/08 08:27 AM
Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal [re: mouse]  


We had more payments go AWOL yesterday. One payment was from a long time repeat buyer. I am so glad I double checked my Paypal account prior to shipping. I just happened to see his name at the bottom of the page at Paypal. I wish they would get it fixed!

But I am glad I am not the only one.

The good thing,, eBay finally posted an announcement on the system board concerning the issue so we can at least tell our buyer's the issue is on the tech board at eBay. Maybe that will help and our buyer's will know we are not jerking them around.


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay05/30/08 12:52 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  AquilaStamps05/30/08 02:58 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay05/31/08 01:08 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/31/08 01:19 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  mouse06/04/08 08:15 AM
..Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady06/04/08 08:27 AM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay06/01/08 04:38 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady06/01/08 05:31 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  Tradeguy05/31/08 06:57 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/31/08 07:04 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/30/08 12:55 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay05/30/08 01:18 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/30/08 01:22 PM
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