I have a work-around for the Dymo 400 Turbo, this should work for other label printers. These instructions are for Windows XP.
First, you will need to have PDF995 installed. You can get it from http://www.pdf995.com, it is a print driver which will create a pdf file. It is free, or you can register it.
then, when printing labels, follow these instructions:
1. In AW2000, Select printer settings for Dymo LabelWriter 2. When printing, select PDF995 Select Rotated Landscape Go into Advanced, set Paper size: Postscript Custom then set the custom width and height. I use the following: width 2.31, height 4 3. Finish printing, it will ask you for a name for the PDF file it will create. 4. In Adobe, open the file. The label will appear upside down Print... Select Dymo LabelWriter
Beware - The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming dragon