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(stranger )
02/19/10 07:02 PM
Re: Totals [re: bluepennylady]  

Thank you, will give your suggestion a try. I do know, that in the invoices, I mark that as closed - refunded and in the ledger, I just change the payment to $0.00 both for payment & fee and then mark it paypal - refunded. That usually brings the total to the last one ( I guess you could say last good total).

Looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me to straighten this out.

Once again thank you for the info and help. Have a good weekend and will let you know the outcome after I straighten it out.

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*Totals  cds2go02/11/10 03:39 PM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/11/10 07:29 PM
.*Re: Totals  cds2go02/11/10 07:44 PM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/11/10 07:45 PM
.*Re: Totals  cds2go02/12/10 02:42 PM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/12/10 03:45 PM
.*Re: Totals  cds2go02/13/10 08:58 AM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/13/10 12:27 PM
.*Re: Totals  cds2go02/15/10 07:12 AM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/15/10 07:55 AM
.*Re: Totals  cds2go02/18/10 01:19 PM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/18/10 01:25 PM
.*Re: Totals  cds2go02/19/10 08:42 AM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/19/10 08:48 AM
.*Re: Totals  cds2go02/19/10 03:01 PM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/19/10 06:47 PM
..Re: Totals  cds2go02/19/10 07:02 PM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/20/10 05:30 AM
.*Re: Totals  bluepennylady02/12/10 03:36 PM
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