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(stranger )
03/03/03 11:40 AM
Re: Attaching an expense to an invoice [re: jbayer]  

There are User Defined Fields available under menu "File">"Program Options." Two are for currency. Under "Tools">"Reports" there are two reports available with User Defined Fields data.

Jim, The Radio Shoppe

Entire thread
Subject  Posted byPosted on
*Attaching an expense to an invoice  jbayer01/05/03 04:46 PM
..Re: Attaching an expense to an invoice  Theradioshoppe03/03/03 11:40 AM
.*Re: Attaching an expense to an invoice  jbayer03/03/03 01:05 PM
.*Re: Attaching an expense to an invoice  rodgw03/03/03 01:34 PM
.*Re: Attaching an expense to an invoice  jbayer03/03/03 07:29 PM
.*Re: Attaching an expense to an invoice  tiryracing10/14/03 01:05 PM
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