   >> Ledger
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(stranger )
07/01/09 06:22 AM

Is there a tutorial somewhere that can explain how to use the ledgers? I would like to start using the ledger but would like to be using it in the most efficient way.

I used it a long time ago but remember having to cut and paste buyers names from Paypal and also had to manually input shipping and ebay fees. Is this automated now? can someone give me some pointers?



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Subject  Posted byPosted on
.Tutorial  eastwind07/01/09 06:22 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  bluepennylady07/01/09 08:01 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  eastwind07/01/09 08:24 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  bluepennylady07/01/09 08:28 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  eastwind07/01/09 08:48 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  bluepennylady07/01/09 09:03 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  eastwind07/01/09 09:16 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  bluepennylady07/01/09 09:46 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  eastwind07/01/09 10:07 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  bluepennylady07/01/09 01:35 PM
.*Re: Tutorial  bluepennylady07/01/09 10:21 AM
.*Re: Tutorial  eastwind07/01/09 08:20 AM
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