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(stranger )
05/13/10 05:26 AM
Item condition  

Perhaps I am not understanding something - I am unable to get the new with tags/new without tags/ etc options to select from in AW2K Since it is a feature that is being used I don't know what I am doing incorrectly. And it will be mandatory in the blink of an eye so I would like to manage this before that time. How is anyone else doing this?

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Subject  Posted byPosted on
.Item condition  ehlmann05/13/10 05:26 AM
.*Re: Item condition  bluepennylady05/13/10 05:28 AM
.*Re: Item condition  ehlmann05/13/10 09:45 AM
.*Re: Item condition  bluepennylady05/13/10 03:41 PM
.*Re: Item condition  ehlmann05/20/10 12:51 PM
.*Re: Item condition  bluepennylady05/20/10 01:00 PM
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