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(stranger )
11/15/13 05:51 PM
Re: "condition description" FIELD [re: auctions1329]  

If it was just a few listings it wouldn't be no big deal, but I'm listing 500+/month and needing to go in and redo it every month just plain sucks! If it was the same condition for the majority of items it wouldn't be too bad I guess since you could bulk edit, but I have a lot of different things with various conditions so bulk editing for me is of no use. I hope Thom will add this pretty soon.

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Subject  Posted byPosted on
* "condition description" FIELD  twoolds11/03/13 09:09 AM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  auctions132911/05/13 05:32 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  twoolds11/07/13 09:21 AM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  auctions132911/07/13 12:51 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  auctions132911/07/13 01:52 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  Razz11/08/13 10:35 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  auctions132911/14/13 02:14 PM
..Re: "condition description" FIELD  Razz11/15/13 05:51 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  Razz11/21/13 12:19 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  ehlmann11/22/13 09:41 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  twoolds12/04/13 03:13 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  twoolds12/04/13 03:49 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  ehlmann12/04/13 10:14 PM
.*Re: "condition description" FIELD  auctions132912/09/13 01:25 PM
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