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02/23/18 07:02 AM
Re: Images were not uploaded. Do you want to continue? [re: CultDoctor]  

Well, it seems this part is corrected with your instructions (thank you) but now I am only getting the Gallery photo. Then I have to revise my item on ebay and add my photos.

On ebay the message is: "Only 1 photo allowed with Self Hosting option. For more photos use other import options"

Just upgraded to Build 328 just before I followed your instructions so I am wondering if it is a problem with the upgrade.

In auction profiles there are four choices for ebay Picture Services but I have tried all four with the same result...only the Gallery photo uploading.

I could, of course, show my additional photos in the description but then the potential buyer gets that "click to see full description" which is also not acceptable. Plus when you list you get the ebay https warning.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Since you are working with Thom, I won't bother him and look forward to you posting the solution. Thank you, CultDoctor!

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*Images were not uploaded. Do you want to continue?  CultDoctor02/22/18 10:27 AM
.*Re: Images were not uploaded. Do you want to continue?  onlynancydrew02/22/18 06:15 PM
.*Re: Images were not uploaded. Do you want to continue?  CultDoctor02/22/18 06:41 PM
..Re: Images were not uploaded. Do you want to continue?  onlynancydrew02/23/18 07:02 AM
.*Re: Images were not uploaded. Do you want to continue?  CultDoctor02/23/18 07:54 AM
.*Re: Images were not uploaded. Do you want to continue?  onlynancydrew02/23/18 10:02 PM
.*Re: Images were not uploaded. Do you want to continue?  onlynancydrew02/24/18 01:22 AM
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