Re: More on Now What? re keywords
[re: substance292]
Cher: Yea, the same thing happened to me. I made about 15 or so buttons and about wore out my fingers typing in all the info for each one. Thankfully they are for items that I have multiples of . But after that it was just too much of a chore to keep going. The PayPal solution for shopping cart sounded good at first but I already have a card processor and shopping cart as I said. After talking to PayPal about it figured it still wouldn't be worth all the switching 'cause I couldn't see the sense of having two processors and two carts. My cart "guy" is being helpful.
I saw Judy's suggestion and gave it a peek. Looks like a fantastic site for the christmas selling season. A good place to move a lot of that eclectic product that makes a perfect gift. I might try using it to sell "christmas" First Day Covers and frameable Panels.