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01/10/07 02:48 PM
Re: eBay fee increase [re: bluepennylady]  

Hi Judy! I learned the "fresh" idea pretty quick. There's a lot of competition on Google Base for me and if I put stuff in there for a month it gets lost pretty fast. It's also hard when I upload stuff and then the next day another merchant uploads thousands of items. There seem to be a couple that do that several times a week and that buries my stuff. How do you upload your auctions? I thought eBay only did uploads for the stores?

I hope everyone there is feeling better soon. It's that time of year and those little viruses seem to get tougher every year.


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/03/07 07:07 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  superbuy01/10/07 11:00 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/11/07 04:03 AM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/31/07 02:46 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  substance29201/09/07 07:34 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/09/07 08:20 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  substance29201/09/07 10:34 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/10/07 04:31 AM
..Re: eBay fee increase  substance29201/10/07 02:48 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/10/07 03:04 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  substance29201/10/07 04:12 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/10/07 04:20 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  substance29201/10/07 04:28 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/10/07 05:58 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  substance29201/10/07 07:49 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/10/07 10:06 PM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  moonstruck2201/10/07 09:04 AM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  bluepennylady01/10/07 11:31 AM
.*Re: eBay fee increase  moonstruck2201/10/07 12:37 PM
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