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02/06/07 06:23 PM
Re: New Widget for eBay [re: substance292]  


Well, you're right they have changed it again. However, as long as you use it on NON eBay pages there are no charges. So if it is placed on your web site then it's free. The charges come in when it's used on an eBay page. But the price is so cheap - well sorta cheap - that I agree with you about just using it on eBay and seeing what it will help sell. I'm not sure about how well I'll dance but I'm with you on the bank part. If it drives more buyers then for the price it is well worth it.

Judy, you're right though it was free at first. No charges at all. They have rearranged the way you get the code - just made it easier to figure out. I think that's why we couldn't update code for that week - they were working out the price structure.

It is still a great widget though and the whole concept of it is so sharp. Just don't understand why we didn't think of it LOL. I've updated my widget if ya wanna look


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*New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady01/24/07 08:48 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  AquilaStamps01/25/07 08:10 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady01/25/07 08:25 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  AquilaStamps01/25/07 09:54 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady01/26/07 00:44 AM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  AquilaStamps01/26/07 11:02 AM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady01/26/07 11:11 AM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  AquilaStamps01/26/07 08:30 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady01/27/07 02:59 AM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  AquilaStamps01/27/07 10:54 AM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady01/31/07 01:20 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  substance29202/06/07 01:46 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady02/06/07 02:17 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  substance29202/06/07 02:41 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady02/06/07 02:57 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady02/06/07 02:44 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  substance29202/06/07 02:55 PM
..Re: New Widget for eBay  AquilaStamps02/06/07 06:23 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  bluepennylady02/06/07 08:22 PM
.*Re: New Widget for eBay  AquilaStamps01/25/07 09:43 PM
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