Judy: You're welcome - and I did have fun. I had to restrain myself a couple of times because if I typed what I was thinking it would have probably been counter productive. Nothing nasty but just the obvious. At any rate it was worth a try. I just feel that they may not be given the script for the latest changes to the frames.
I agree with you on the original information from them on initiating frames. There were a whole lot of options and you're right we enabled them all - figuring any tiny bit of sales help is worth it.
I think though that in a couple of days I will go back and try one more time - this time I'll let out a bit of background and see what they say. It can't hurt. I don't know why this has happened - why they changed the frames. It could be something as simple as too much in terms of hits on the servers. Who knows. It just would have been helpful to all sellers if they had notified us of what was happening and maybe even why.
Good for you feeding the rep the whole previous discussion. I don't know why they just don't take the time to read the notes they have of your past conversations. If the seller didn't keep records it would be far more difficult than it is now.