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01/30/09 12:02 PM

Years and years ago, some site whose name I forget, hosted our counters for free. We could visit that site and see a chart of all our auctions with the number of visits to each one.

When that site became fee-based, I dropped out. Eventually, AW included an option to add free counters (Lister window, Advanced tab, Misc Options). All my auctions have hidden counters, no problem there.

What's been bothering me for a few years is that I can't see all my counters at once -- I have to visit each auction, and that's very slow. I think Judy recommended some site that was free at the beginning but later became subscription only. I tried it, but it provided an overwhelming amount of data, far too much for my needs.

I've asked an eBay Forum how I can see a chart of all my counters and was told to just refresh the Watchers/Views column in My eBay, Active Selling tab. But I don't have that column, and it's not available in the Customize window. I have a column titled Watchers, but not Watchers/Views, and there is no Refresh button. Is this because I'm using AW to list, and the folks who use eBay's listing program have that Watchers/Views column??

And if that's the case, is there a way (free!) to see all our counters at once?


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.Watchers/Views   tictictic_OnEbay01/30/09 12:02 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 12:39 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   tictictic_OnEbay01/30/09 02:27 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 02:43 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   tictictic_OnEbay01/30/09 02:58 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 03:24 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   tictictic_OnEbay01/30/09 03:58 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   moonstruck2201/30/09 03:46 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 03:51 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 03:06 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   tictictic_OnEbay01/30/09 03:50 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   moonstruck2201/30/09 04:03 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   tictictic_OnEbay01/30/09 04:21 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   moonstruck2201/30/09 04:33 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   tictictic_OnEbay01/30/09 06:10 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 07:34 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   tictictic_OnEbay01/31/09 00:16 AM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/31/09 05:08 AM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   moonstruck2201/30/09 07:29 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   tictictic_OnEbay01/30/09 07:49 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 07:58 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   moonstruck2201/30/09 08:17 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 08:30 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   moonstruck2201/30/09 08:42 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 08:46 PM
.*Re: Watchers/Views   bluepennylady01/30/09 12:37 PM
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