Ok, I got another piece of furniture ready, typed $0.00 in each of the boxes to the right of Local Pickup on the Shipping Options tab and tried to list it. In the Lister window, I selected "Local Pickup only" for the Ship-to Locations, and that's the only thing I changed from my usual settings, and I'm using my tried-and-true auction Profile.
Here's the same ol' error I always get:
API Error Code 17524: To specify non-zero value for the tag <SalesTaxPercent> you must set "true" for the <CheckoutDetailsSpecified> tag.
Sales tax??? I didn't change a thing having to do with sales tax.
So then I went back and checked the box for Free Shipping on the Shipping Options tab and tried again. Got the same error about Sales Tax. Then I changed the Ship-to Location in the Lister window to "Will ship to U.S. only", with the intension of revising it immediately. This time, it submitted successfully. I revised it, and the auction page now says:
Shipping: Pickup only - see item description for details Ships to: Will arrange for local pickup only (no shipping).
This is exactly what we discussed a few months ago, and I confess I don't remember exactly what we concluded, but I wish I could hear from other AW users who frequently list pickup-only items (not pickup as an option to shipping, although I wish there were an easy way to do that, too). Is this something that needs to be tweaked in the AW program code?? I don't understand why AW (or is it eBay?) coughs up a Sales Tax error when the only change is regarding shipping.
P.S. In case it's relevant, my settings are to charge sales tax only for in-state customers. Same setting for years and years.