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(stranger )
10/26/06 06:59 PM
Counter for views new  

Seems like the counter is incorrect that shows how many people viewed my auctions. Right after I post an auction it has a count of 2 or 3. This is not possible. Can someone explain this?



10/26/06 07:09 PM
Re: Counter for views new [re: DEALS2000]  


Ebay is experiencing difficulty with the counters. They are aware of the problem and are working to resolve it. I spoke with tech day before yesterday about another issue concerning the shipping calculator (that isn't working correctly) The counter issue was on the board. I don't know if it still is or not.


10/26/06 07:10 PM
Re: Counter for views new [re: DEALS2000]  

I've noticed the same thing since eBay has their own (with AOL) counter. You can post an auction and immediatly check it and it shows 7 views. I've tried to keep track and it appears that even though there are one or two other views after the initial "7" the count does not go up. Then after the views hit 8 it will advance. Kinda stupid if you ask me. I even asked eBay's live help and the answer I got was "sir: you must be mistaken - our counters wouldn't do that". I suggested that as opposed to both of us at least I wasn't drinking and could tell a seven from a zero. You can imagine they got a touch huffy but still couldn't explain what was going on. Maybe someone else can chat with live help and get a better reply. But the mystery remains for me unles my initial thought is correct.


10/26/06 07:12 PM
Re: Counter for views new [re: bluepennylady]  

It appears that you got a helpful person at eBay live help. Maybe in a few days it will be working. I did notice this evening my counts were not as high as they had been only in the 1,2,or 3 range.

One would think that a simple thing as a counter could be done properly. Maybe it's AOL's involvement that is messing it up.


10/26/06 07:13 PM
Re: Counter for views new [re: AquilaStamps]  


Hey I like your new avatar. That is pretty cool looking!!!!

Yesterday the counters were really weird looking. Some of them were, oh, humm, about 1/8 inch wide with a small dash in them. And some of the counters get stuck on a number and don't move either.

I am about to go back to Sellathon again. At least it works.


10/26/06 07:20 PM
Re: Counter for views new [re: AquilaStamps]  


yes I did get a very helpful person. And she stayed with me until the correct technical people were notified and the issues were understood. I was really impressed.

In case no one has noticed, the new and improved shipping calculator has a couple of glitches.

One is the insurance. If you offer 3 services, UPS and USPS and place UPS as the first option. The insurance is displayed as included in shipping and handling. However, if the buyer elects to use a USPS method instead, the insurance does not automatically calculate into the cost. The buyer has to elect insurance, if it is optional. But the wording still tells the buyer they have purchased insurance. The only workaround right now, is to always place any UPS methods in the 2nd or 3rd fields.

Second, the shipping method is not being forwarded to checkout so it isn't included in most of the Paypal payments that are processed through the eBay checkout. It is a real pain. so if your Paypal payments are missing the shipping method the buyer elected, that is what is wrong. Get hold of eBay and complain. If enough sellers holler, they'll either fix it or roll it back.


10/26/06 07:21 PM
Re: Counter for views new [re: bluepennylady]  

Thanks I got tired of the old Avatar so got this one for now. I too figure that the counter thingie is a lot screwed up - I've seen the dashes also in some of my auctions. Also the counter changes sometimes after an auction closes - before it closes it may say 58 views and the counter shows at the top and then under the bottom pix. After a sale closes the counter is now only at the bottom of the pix and is WAY off. I was thinking of going back to andale as they have gone back to free counters so my concerns a few months ago are gone. Maybe I should look at sellathon - taking a hint from your feeling. I still question the counter concept actually. I think it is a vanity deal most of the time - like "ha ha I got 100 views and you only got 12". But I have used the counter to see if maybe my price was too high 'cause lots of views an no bids. Oh well.


10/26/06 07:25 PM
Re: Counter for views new [re: bluepennylady]  

I don't use eBay check out - and only use USPS shipping and insurance (optional). HOWEVER, I'll be pleased as punch to speak with eBay about the problem. I love speaking with them. most of the time I get a useful person. But then and again I get the one that still hasn't figured out the keyboard let alone eBay. I love to torture them with the obvious question and then watch them stumble around. Seriously, I'll go and chat with live help and add my concern to the problem with shipping calc.


10/26/06 07:27 PM
Re: Counter for views new [re: AquilaStamps]  


I honestly don't pay much attention to the views. I look at the Omniture reports though and Sellathon's report at Overstock. I check those almost everyday to see what search words are being used. What domains are referring domains. etc. Sellathon is pretty good but it costs so I use the free reports from Overstock as when I did use Sellathon at eBay I found the statistics to be almost identical. I guess I am a cheapoo as I couldn't see paying for something that didn't provide different info from the free one.


10/26/06 07:31 PM
Re: Counter for views new [re: bluepennylady]  


I too use the Omniture reports and the free sellathon reports on OS. They are very helpful. In fact I found a few lurkers from Both sites looking at my material. Sure 'nuf I posted the same thing on both sites but at .75 less on OS and guess what heppened. LOL. Yep, they snapped up the lesser priced item. And obviously I made money so both of us were happy. Omniture and Sellathon are good deals - especially since they are free.


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