EllieW (stranger
05/20/07 02:26 PM
Install to New Computer with Vista ??
Hello to All -- New computer is coming this week - OS is Vista Ultimate -- So first question is - are there any problems for AW2 with Vista?
I just downloaded AW2 and I have my registration code - so I know I can set it up on new computer -- but -- I have lots of *stuff* in there now....
I do have a recent backup and I backup it all -- I saw on a post someone says to COPY the Old Files over the New Files that will be generated by a fresh install.
Is that all I do? Will that be a problem with a different OS system?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Ellie
bluepennylady (veteran)
05/20/07 03:02 PM
Re: Install to New Computer with Vista ??
[re: EllieW]
all the issues with Vista were resolved a couple of updates ago. The Auction Wizard tech team got those all fixed right off the bat.
As far as your new computer--Congratulations!!! 
You can download AW2000 onto your new computer, pop in a backup disk that contains all your current data, hit "restore database" select the drive your disk is in and let AW2000 work. All the database will be restored to the new computer in just a few minutes.
Then run AW2000 and check through everything to be sure it is correct. But I have yet to ever have a restore not work correctly. And I use restore a lot at the college. I am forever making up fake databases and moving them from computer to computer. Same principle so it will work just fine.
Does that help??
EllieW (stranger
05/20/07 04:23 PM
Yes! Yes! That explains it all!!
New computers are exciting, also a little overwhelming trying to get everything back the way you want it... Well it is a good time to re-organize!! :)
Thanks for your help! Ellie
bluepennylady (veteran)
05/20/07 04:30 PM
Re: Install to New Computer with Vista ??
[re: EllieW]
Vista is quite a bit different than Windows XP.. For instance, shutting the computer off. The keyboard shortcut does not work like it does with XP. YOu have to go the the round world on the lower left, Then click the arrow next to the lock to even see how to shut the computer off.
The Windows explorer is also very different. So be sure you poke around to become familiar with the way the files are displayed. Otherwise, when you need to find something, it is a challenge.
Also, don't be surprised if some of your older programs will not run on Vista. Quite normal. Many software programs have updates on their websites for the Vista. So be sure to check each software program after they are installed on the new computer.
bluepennylady (veteran)
05/21/07 01:29 PM
Re: Install to New Computer with Vista ??
[re: EllieW]
There is an easier and more certain manner to transfer all the database to your new computer other than a restore. The restore may not copy everything to the new computer. I've had that happen before, meaning all the settings didn't restore to the new computer.
I'll email you the step by step, if that's okay.
EllieW (stranger
06/03/07 09:18 PM
Hi Judy.....
The directions you sent were perfect! Everything is installed!
Thanks for your help!
bluepennylady (veteran)
06/04/07 03:52 AM
Re: Install to New Computer with Vista ??
[re: EllieW]
Wonderful!! You must be so excited to have your new computer.... I never did ask what computer you got??
EllieW (stranger
06/04/07 09:03 AM
Hi Judy....
I always buy Dell computers -- this one is the XPS410 with 4 gig of ram -- and a dual processor -- so I am moving along swiftly! I figure this one will keep me good for about 4-5 years.
I had heard negative comments about the new Vista - I got the Vista Ultimate and I am loving it!
bluepennylady (veteran)
06/04/07 09:12 AM
Re: Install to New Computer with Vista ??
[re: EllieW]
Congratulations!! Don't you just love the dual core processor. I am so excited for you!!!
onlynancydrew (stranger)
02/08/13 06:04 PM
Hi Judy,
I finally had to throw in the towel on my old computer and get a new one. Bought the HP All-In-One and I love it alreay (lol, I think). It is running Windows 8 so that might be a problem but I'll give it a try.
I need to get AW2000 transferred over. I downloaded the program and entered my reg code so the program is running. However, I have done a rebuild and restore of the database but I am not getting populated.
Wonder if you would mind sending those step-by-step instructions to me that you sent to EllieW.
Thank you so much!