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(stranger )
05/12/03 12:06 PM
Re: Petetion for eBay motors support [re: scottlou]  

I'm bumping this because the issue becomes of greater import to me with each passing day. I am currently sifting through a mountain of vintage auto parts inventory and cannot believe that for lack of categories in AW2k in which to place these auctions, I am being forced to forego use of my software and having to not only create the auctions manually, but I can't even import them once they're created.

Hello? Thom? Support? Anybody? What's the deal here? I've never seen AW respond to this concern yet. If it can't be done, please don't leave us hanging. If it's on the list of things to do, how about an ETA?

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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*Petetion for eBay motors support  ah64ace03/26/02 03:41 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  AClarkUSA110/04/04 12:51 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  fidel_boarsnot09/29/04 11:59 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  rescudiver09/27/04 05:20 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  walk_1708/19/04 08:53 AM
.*Bump  scottlou03/19/04 08:02 AM
.*Re: Bump  Anonymous03/19/04 07:47 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  fishman02/21/04 05:14 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous11/26/03 00:42 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  communilink02/13/04 08:26 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous02/14/04 06:56 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  communilink02/16/04 09:39 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous02/21/04 08:10 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  midwest76direct11/23/03 09:11 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous11/08/03 06:09 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  communilink11/12/03 09:34 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  atyp1cal08/08/03 09:55 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Mike B07/28/03 02:53 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  AuctionWizardAdministrator08/03/03 02:26 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous08/04/03 10:12 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous08/04/03 10:15 PM
.*BUMP Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous11/04/03 12:53 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  scottlou04/29/03 10:42 AM
..Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  scottlou05/12/03 12:06 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  AuctionWizardAdministrator05/14/03 11:41 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  deals42wheels07/01/03 10:37 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  digitaltwister04/08/03 12:46 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  John540i04/08/03 05:00 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Mike B01/29/03 04:03 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Moto Shop10/16/02 10:05 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  scottlou02/27/03 10:37 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Mike B05/20/03 07:09 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  crazzydeals03/13/03 11:23 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Lou09/17/02 12:13 PM
.*Re: Petition for eBay motors support  sbsyncro09/17/02 10:47 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  iamceltic107/12/02 02:55 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous08/26/02 10:49 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Radar575609/02/02 06:44 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous07/04/02 08:13 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  gailsglassnsuch07/05/02 03:09 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  archimedes06/28/02 07:02 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  eversley06/28/02 03:13 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  sldolan06/08/02 07:43 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous04/20/02 10:26 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous04/30/02 08:23 AM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Skip04/01/02 05:08 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  jwilliams03/30/02 07:07 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  swampy04/01/02 04:39 PM
.*Re: Petetion for eBay motors support  Anonymous03/29/02 09:53 AM
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