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04/25/08 01:05 PM
Schedule by time ??!?!?!  

I know it's been asked around here, and I know the only otion currently is to buck up and pay the .10 to eBay, but is this going to be automated into AW2k ?? I would love to start using again, but I pretty much time schedule all my auctions and at .10 each I'd go broke! Been using Auctiva and have not had problems yet, But would love to move back to AW2K for EVERYTHING.

So when can we expect to see time scheduled implemented ?

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Subject  Posted byPosted on
.Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/25/08 01:05 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/25/08 02:20 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/25/08 02:54 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/25/08 03:10 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/25/08 04:44 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/25/08 06:49 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/28/08 09:11 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/28/08 09:16 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/28/08 09:53 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/28/08 10:12 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz01/13/09 09:18 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady01/14/09 10:37 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz01/14/09 11:01 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady01/14/09 01:57 PM
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