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01/14/09 11:01 AM
Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?! [re: bluepennylady]  

Well, right and wrong I was... I guess..

Granted like I said they have been updating to keep up with ebay changes, but that's about it....?? right ??

Could you name a few "NEW" features that have been introduced in the last year ?

automation... ebay tracks when you get paid etc. Why can't AW pull anything like that in ?

From reading threads here, your happy with the Text email's.... I absolutely HATE it. I hate having to use 2 different email clients just to read email. Granted 5 years ago, plain text would be fine... but this day and age, I think html is just about standard anymore.

It's been almost a year since I last posted here, and I thought hmmmm.... Maybe AW2K revamped their software, added new features, changed the "windows 3.1" interface... But sadly I'm a little wrong.

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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/25/08 01:05 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/25/08 02:20 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/25/08 02:54 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/25/08 03:10 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/25/08 04:44 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/25/08 06:49 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/28/08 09:11 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/28/08 09:16 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz04/28/08 09:53 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady04/28/08 10:12 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz01/13/09 09:18 PM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady01/14/09 10:37 AM
..Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  freqz01/14/09 11:01 AM
.*Re: Schedule by time ??!?!?!  bluepennylady01/14/09 01:57 PM
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