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01/31/09 11:57 AM
Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  

Another day, another problem.....

Last year, when eBay changed the setup for indicating shipping terms, I had problems getting my furniture items listed. With the help of Judy and others, I realized I had to check the box for Free Shipping even though the item would be available for Local Pickup only. There are hundreds of auctions that have the same setup -- they say:

Shipping: FREE shipping
Local Pickup
Service to United States

Some of these auctions do have LOCAL PICKUP ONLY in the titles to avoid confusion, but the auctions still say FREE shipping, when they should say FREE pickup.

THE QUESTION: Apparently, the only way to get this right is to revise the auction after it's online, and to select "No shipping: Local pickup only". Is this true? There's no way to indicate this in AW before the listing is submitted?

THE WHINE: So anyway, I didn't revise the listing for this big, hulking thing; the description included all the local pick-up instructions but didn't specifically say "SELLER WILL NOT SHIP;" it sold last night to someone in Illinois (I'm in Calif); I emailed an invoice saying I'd provide the pick-up address after their payment cleared, but this is one of those buyers who doesn't read their email (or maybe they're being cagey, hoping to force the issue); and now they've paid, and I'm waiting for the SH*T to hit the fan. It sold for $165.00, and I pretty sure it would cost about twice that to ship it.


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
.Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  tictictic_OnEbay01/31/09 11:57 AM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  bluepennylady01/31/09 01:02 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  tictictic_OnEbay02/01/09 06:58 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  bluepennylady02/01/09 07:04 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  tictictic_OnEbay02/01/09 08:01 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  bluepennylady02/02/09 08:43 AM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  tictictic_OnEbay02/02/09 10:20 AM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  bluepennylady02/02/09 12:54 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  tictictic_OnEbay02/02/09 01:04 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  bluepennylady02/02/09 01:29 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  tictictic_OnEbay01/31/09 01:18 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  bluepennylady01/31/09 01:36 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  tictictic_OnEbay02/02/09 11:51 AM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  bluepennylady02/02/09 01:05 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  tictictic_OnEbay02/02/09 02:09 PM
.*Re: Local Pickup vs FREE shipping  bluepennylady02/02/09 02:45 PM
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