Two_Knight (journeyman)
02/28/07 04:32 PM
Duplicate Buyer ID
Some how.. some where I have the same "eBay User ID" in 2 different invoices. Is there anyway to change the user ID in a invoice Thanks Again Bob
bluepennylady (old hand)
02/28/07 04:39 PM
Do you mean the buyer's user id? Or do you mean two Auction Profiles?
And you are seeing the user id's in the Invoice | User Id field. There are two User id's store there.
If so, take a look at the two user id's. One is probably for eBay and the other for eBay store. Some buyers have two user id's. And if they have won items from you from eBay and eBay store as well, both user id's will automatically store in AW2K. It isn't a glitch. It is suppose to do that.
now if I have misunderstood you, please explain again and I'll see if I can do better.
Two_Knight (journeyman)
02/28/07 04:51 PM
Hi Judy Some how I have the same eBay user ID in the invoice field under "User ID" I think some how thing got mixed up some where along the line . This all happen when I had 2 bidder on a item and I offered the non winning bidder a"second chance offer" (as I have multi items)She accepted and paid right away. The winning bidder has not paid yet? but both these auction have the same user ID, but are diiffent buyers. I hope this make sense Therefore the question is "How do I change the user ID in the invoice field under user ID" Thanks Bob
bluepennylady (old hand)
02/28/07 06:58 PM
When you created the Second Chance offer Auction lot in Aw2K, did you copy and paste the new Auction id into the Auction number field? As you should have two Auction lots. One for the first winning bid and the other auction lot is for the Second chance offer.
Did you create a different Auction lot for your Second Chance offer Auction?
We can fix this but I need to know if we are dealing with two Auction lots or just one.
Two_Knight (journeyman)
02/28/07 07:12 PM
Hi Judy I think that is my problem I didn't copy and paste Auction ID so therefore it looks like we are dealing with one auction lot ID Bob
bluepennylady (old hand)
02/28/07 07:22 PM
That is what I thought. Okie dokie, it is fixable but you are going to be deleting, re-invoicing and creating a new Auction lot.
First, create an Auction lot for the Second Chance offer. Change the Auction lot status to Online. Be sure you use the correct Auction Item number that was for the second chance offer.
Next, Find the Sold Not Shipped Auction lot that was the original Auction lot.
Go back to the troublesome Invoice. And delete the entire Invoice. Use the minus sign on the tool bar. There will be a dialog box open asking you if you want to delete it. There is another statement below the confirmation to delete statement, you need to uncheck it. You DO NOT want to delete the buyer from the Auction lot.. We want to re-invoice the buyer. not relist the Auction lot.
Okay, Now go back to the first original Auction lot. Change the status back to Online and update the Auction lot one more time. And generate Invoices. You should only have the first winning bidder on this particular Invoice.
Next find the Second Chance offer Auction lot, Update that auction lot. And generate Invoices. The Second chance offer buyer should be on this Invoice.
Did I mention you can manually update Auction lots one at a time by using Ctrl+D at the same time While on the Auction lot. Just hit ctrl+D at the same time and let go. and boom, the auction lot will update. Then go to Tasks | Generate Invoices
Let me know if that fixes you up or not. If it doesn't well we will just do something else. And if it does, you will be good to go.
bluepennylady (old hand)
02/28/07 07:27 PM
Also be sure the first originally sold Auction lot contains the correct Auction Item number not the Second chance offer Auction Item number
bluepennylady (old hand)
03/01/07 05:56 AM
When you re-do everything, if the same user id appears in error, we might need to delete the second chance offer buyer from the original Auction lot. I am not sure though. You might want to look on the sold Not shipped Auction lot in the "buyer" tab. If both buyer's appear there, the incorrect buyer will need to be deleted or the same thing may happen again.
Two_Knight (journeyman)
03/01/07 06:27 AM
Hi Judy Everything is well again. Following you suggestions did the trick Thanks Again Bob
bluepennylady (old hand)
03/01/07 06:35 AM
Excellent! I woke up in the middle of the night and got to worrying that perhaps I should have had you delete the second buyer from the original Auction lot and simply re-invoice.
Good! Okay now I can go back to drinking a cup of coffee