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10/27/06 03:15 PM
Re: Counter for views [re: bluepennylady]  

Yea, I can't see spending X number of dollars each and every month for the extras offered by either eBay or Overstock. eBay wants to upgrade the store, wants to upgrade the basic omniture package, and wants to upsell almost everything they offer. I see the same thing in Overstock also. There is always a tool that is available however, for extra money you can get the bigger better prettier friendlier etc tool.

Just 'cause I watch the unnecessary spending doesn't mean that the tools aren't any good. Yet, so far, I haven't found any of them that warrant paying extra - it's a lot like the old "you want one or two eggs in your milkshake". Upselling is fine but to me it needs to have some real added value.

K, well I've described my Scrooge McDuck attitude I guess - but really if one subscribed to all of them you would have to double all sales just to pay for the extra jams and jellies.


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*Counter for views  DEALS200010/26/06 06:59 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  AquilaStamps10/26/06 07:10 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/26/06 07:13 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  AquilaStamps10/26/06 07:21 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/26/06 07:27 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  AquilaStamps10/26/06 07:31 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/26/06 07:37 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  moonstruck2210/27/06 05:11 AM
.*Re: Counter for views  AquilaStamps10/27/06 12:49 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  moonstruck2210/27/06 01:28 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/27/06 01:33 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  AquilaStamps10/27/06 02:59 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/27/06 03:03 PM
..Re: Counter for views  AquilaStamps10/27/06 03:15 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/27/06 05:12 AM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/26/06 07:09 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  AquilaStamps10/26/06 07:12 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/26/06 07:20 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  superbuy10/27/06 04:09 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/27/06 07:48 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/31/06 12:28 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  moonstruck2210/27/06 06:28 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  AquilaStamps10/26/06 07:25 PM
.*Re: Counter for views  bluepennylady10/26/06 07:35 PM
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