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(stranger )
05/29/07 01:59 PM

Hey that eBay is letting put videos directly into our auctions, are there any plans for AW to help us manage them like we now do for our pictures? That'd be so cool...I just had an auction where I used a video, but I had to put the code in the description part.


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
.Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 01:59 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:00 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:07 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:17 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:25 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 05:02 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 05:58 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 05:48 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 05:52 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:01 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:06 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:16 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:20 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:23 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:34 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady06/01/07 06:09 PM
.*Re: Videos  Ned06/01/07 06:44 PM
.*Re: Videos  AquilaStamps06/01/07 08:41 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady06/06/07 05:14 AM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady06/01/07 07:16 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:38 PM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/29/07 07:16 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 07:25 PM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/29/07 07:40 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 08:03 PM
.*Re: Videos  Ned05/29/07 08:46 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 09:17 PM
.*Re: Videos  Ned05/30/07 07:25 AM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/30/07 08:59 AM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/31/07 08:55 AM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/31/07 06:29 PM
.*Re: Videos  AquilaStamps05/31/07 10:18 PM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/31/07 11:10 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/31/07 07:37 PM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/29/07 08:28 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 08:39 PM
.*Re: Videos  Ned05/29/07 07:11 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:36 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 05:49 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:16 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:18 PM
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