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06/06/07 05:14 AM
Re: Videos [re: AquilaStamps]  

Hi, All,

Did some checking. eBay's current link policy for videos does indeed only state six (6) hosting sites are approved for hosting videos. and Photobucket is not one of those sites. Which means, videos hosted at Photobucket are non-compliant and listings containing those unapproved videos are subject to removal.

So although, being able to have AW2000 handle videos is probably doable, it is not yet practical until eBay approves sellers to host their own videos on their own sites. As we all do with our Auction images.

eBay has a list of what the "approved sites" must do to become "approved"


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 01:59 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:00 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:07 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:17 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:25 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 05:02 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 05:58 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 05:48 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 05:52 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:01 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:06 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:16 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:20 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:23 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:34 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady06/01/07 06:09 PM
.*Re: Videos  Ned06/01/07 06:44 PM
.*Re: Videos  AquilaStamps06/01/07 08:41 PM
..Re: Videos  bluepennylady06/06/07 05:14 AM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady06/01/07 07:16 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:38 PM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/29/07 07:16 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 07:25 PM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/29/07 07:40 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 08:03 PM
.*Re: Videos  Ned05/29/07 08:46 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 09:17 PM
.*Re: Videos  Ned05/30/07 07:25 AM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/30/07 08:59 AM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/31/07 08:55 AM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/31/07 06:29 PM
.*Re: Videos  AquilaStamps05/31/07 10:18 PM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/31/07 11:10 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/31/07 07:37 PM
.*Re: Videos  moonstruck2205/29/07 08:28 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 08:39 PM
.*Re: Videos  Ned05/29/07 07:11 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:36 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 05:49 PM
.*Re: Videos  lindanorby05/29/07 06:16 PM
.*Re: Videos  bluepennylady05/29/07 06:18 PM
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