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09/20/08 05:39 AM
Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory [re: Nash]  


No not a 24 hour tracking rule. I am not quite sure what you are referring to on that.

Using a Drrop shipper and you do not have the product in your hand or your own facility is considered a "Pre-sale". It is only allowed on a limited basis and you must guarantee the buyer will have their item in at least 30 days. Here is the link to the policy at eBay

The only reason I mention it is because the seller's non-performance policy also comes into play should you have a listing or listings running, someone buys the item(s) and your drop shipper can't fulfill that order, Even if the colors are not currently available or a size, it isn't the drop shipper who can get into trouble with eBay but it is you. And they are going to crack down on it.

Linking to the picture on your supplier's website can be done using AW2K as long as the supplier gives you permission to do so. You can use their URL for the image instead of uploading images. Now that does mean you don't use a Listing template but instead create Auction lots in HTML. You just add the image URL in the HTML so it points to the suppliers server.

I am up to speed on Vendio because I went to a business conference last week and they were one of the sponsors and speakers as well as an exhibitor.

You are correct, images are not included in an import of a spreadsheet.

How do you know the other platform has a live inventory feed? They could be using an essex file or even RSS feeds to do that. That could be used. Save the essex or RSS feed back to you computer in a xml file then to a csv file and imported.

If your drop shipper's inventory availability is going to change that often how are you going to handle live auctions on eBay? I mean you cannot allow auctions to run if the qty isn't available which means you have to end auctions. and if you are saying they update the inventory everyday, you could possibly be ending auctions everyday. I would think that could create a red flag at ebay.

No matter what you use for populating your webstore and list, if product availablity changes that much, you will have alot of maintenance involved..


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  Nash09/19/08 07:32 PM
.*Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  bluepennylady09/19/08 08:05 PM
.*Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  Nash09/19/08 08:55 PM
.*Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  mouse09/20/08 08:25 AM
.*Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  Nash09/20/08 12:54 PM
..Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  bluepennylady09/20/08 05:39 AM
.*Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  Nash09/20/08 12:53 PM
.*Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  bluepennylady09/20/08 01:03 PM
.*Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  Nash09/20/08 01:56 PM
.*Re: populate an eBay store with an existing inventory  bluepennylady09/20/08 02:15 PM
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