Rant away, and I'll join you and Judy on the soapbox. It turns out that I have to check PayPay every single day morning, afternoon, and again in the evening. Most of the notices never show up in my mailbox - exactly the same problem you are talking about.
I'm thinking of living in the Bahamas on the overpaid PayPal money. It's unbelieveable that this is happening and the buyer has no idea that they have double paid. I end up refunding a lot of payments and even have a "form letter" that I paste into the refund explaining what is happening. PayPal is not any help as you said, in fact they actually deny there is any problem.
I'm not sure what can be done about it other than keeping a vigilant eye on the PayPal page and forgetting email notification. I know this is a pain but for now it is the only way I know to keep payments and shipments current and most importantly returning to our customers their double payment.
Calling PayPal on any time other than Monday through Friday is useless so I'll try again Monday and see if there is someone there that will listen. I don't hold out a lot of hope though.
Keep us informed Sue.