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06/01/08 05:31 PM
Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal [re: tictictic_OnEbay]  


I am glad you heard back from at least one buyer. I haven't heard from a single soul yet. It is like they don't even notice there is money back in their Paypal account. I am waiting until some of them get their credit card statements and see two payments to me. This could get real confusing if they don't fix it soon


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay05/30/08 12:52 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  AquilaStamps05/30/08 02:58 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay05/31/08 01:08 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/31/08 01:19 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  mouse06/04/08 08:15 AM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady06/04/08 08:27 AM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay06/01/08 04:38 PM
..Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady06/01/08 05:31 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  Tradeguy05/31/08 06:57 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/31/08 07:04 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/30/08 12:55 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  tictictic_OnEbay05/30/08 01:18 PM
.*Re: Missing payment notices from Paypal  bluepennylady05/30/08 01:22 PM
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