   >> Invoices
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08/06/07 07:44 PM
Re: flat rate shipping [re: mouse]  


You can't get the status "Sold not shipped" in the Invoice Show/Hide records filter. That option is in the auction lots tab/window instead of Invoices.

The Invoice status will change automatically to the appropriate status in the process if you use AW2000 as it is designed.

When you first generate invoices, the Invoice status will be "Buyer not Contacted"

When you notify buyers using Tasks | Notify winning bidders and are waiting for a buyer response, the Invoice status will be "Waiting buyer reply"

When the buyer replies to any email sent from their invoice and the subject line contains the Invoice number, the Status will be "Waiting for payment"

When you record the payment, the Status changes to Waiting to Ship

When you ship, the status will be Feedback not left.

When you submit feedback, the status will the change to Closed.

The Auction lots or Stock Inventory Items will not be what you use to track who has paid and who has not. Inventory Items is for managing your Inventory instead of what is paid or not.

Auction lots window/tab is for managing auction lots. what is listed for what profile and where it is listed. Your fees are also tracked in the Auction lots window.

To track all the back end, after the auction ends activity, stay in the Invoices tab/window. That is where you track all of your buyers, who has paid, who is ready to ship, etc.

In the Invoices window/tab, you can click on the Grid View,
Sort the Grid by the dark bold header "Status"
All the Invoice status' will sort together.

You can then easily see who has not paid and who has not.

When you sort the Invoice Grid view by Status, the Invoices line up in the following order:

buyer Not contacted
Waiting buyer Reply
Second notice
Waiting for Payment
Waiting to Ship,
Feedback not Left
Closed N.P.B.

So it is easy to see who has paid, etc.

Does that help?


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Subject  Posted byPosted on
*flat rate shipping  mouse08/04/07 09:21 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/05/07 04:37 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/04/07 11:34 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/07/07 03:36 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/07/07 09:28 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 07:39 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 07:11 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 08:10 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 09:46 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 09:49 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 09:59 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 10:06 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 01:48 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 02:21 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 03:44 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 03:50 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 06:08 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 08:18 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/09/07 07:17 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/09/07 02:59 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/09/07 03:19 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/09/07 07:12 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/09/07 07:17 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/09/07 08:35 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/09/07 08:55 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/10/07 07:40 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/10/07 07:58 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/10/07 07:25 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/10/07 07:57 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/09/07 08:05 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 08:02 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 08:18 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 08:35 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/07/07 03:49 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/06/07 07:04 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/05/07 04:39 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/05/07 08:17 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/06/07 08:37 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/06/07 08:36 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/06/07 08:53 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/06/07 09:34 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/06/07 09:42 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/06/07 07:01 PM
..Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/06/07 07:44 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/07/07 11:24 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/07/07 11:41 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/07/07 03:26 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/07/07 03:34 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/04/07 01:47 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/04/07 06:11 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/05/07 07:10 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/05/07 10:37 AM
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