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08/07/07 11:41 AM
Re: flat rate shipping [re: mouse]  


I am glad that helped.

Yes we print out packing slips as well as the Paypal payment. We insert the packing slip and a Thank you card into every package.

I use the reports for my packing slip. There are several options in the reports. You can check them out by going to
Tools | Reports | Printed Invoices.

You will find Standard Reports. Each one can be customized so you can add other text or fields. I use the customized option because I wanted my email address, website and other information. And I didn't want all the cost displayed. That is because lots of businesses buy online and the packages are sent to their shipping departments or other departments within the company. Many business owners do not like the cost of the item on the packing slip. So I removed that information. But you can do whatever suits your needs.

You will see in the Printed Invoices | Standard reports | Invoices, on the right are two options. So you can print Invoices for an entire range of Invoices, Or by date.

I personally use the "Invoices from Invoice # x to x" option. So if I need a packing slip for INvoice number 26531 , I will enter in 26531 to 26531 , hit Go and the Packing slip appears. Then you can print from that window.

You asked how I tell what item needs to be packed, well I customized my Printed Invoice to show the Stock Inventory Item number as well as the Storage location. (We abbreviate storage locations. i.e. Pallet rack 1-B is shortened to PR1-B. Or Lateral Drawer 1 is LD1)

If you look at the Printed INvoices | Standard reports | Invoice, I removed the Reference ID as well as the Sale Price and Item Total fields and left the Qty as well as the Auction title line and Auction ID.

I added the Stock Inventory Item and the Storage location. So whoever is pulling orders knows how many, what it is and where to look for the item. When the staff enters all the information into the Inventory Items in AW2000, they will attach a label to the product which has the Stock Inventory Item number (that is found in the upper left hand corner of the Inventory Items tab),
The auction title line.
And the
Storage location (just in case someone accidentally puts it in the wrong place)

That way pulling product isn't hard at all. If we need clarification about a particular item, we can always look at the image in the Inventory Items tab. But for the most part, we do not have to look at the images because every item is labeled before it is ever placed into the Storage location.

I hope that makes sense.


Edited by bluepennylady on 08/07/07 12:16 PM (server time).

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*flat rate shipping  mouse08/04/07 09:21 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/05/07 04:37 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/04/07 11:34 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/07/07 03:36 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/07/07 09:28 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 07:39 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 07:11 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 08:10 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 09:46 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 09:49 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 09:59 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 10:06 AM
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.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 03:44 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 03:50 PM
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.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 08:18 PM
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.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/09/07 03:19 PM
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.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 08:02 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/08/07 08:18 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/08/07 08:35 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/07/07 03:49 PM
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.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/06/07 08:53 AM
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.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/06/07 09:42 AM
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.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/06/07 07:44 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/07/07 11:24 AM
..Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/07/07 11:41 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/07/07 03:26 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/07/07 03:34 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/04/07 01:47 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/04/07 06:11 PM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  mouse08/05/07 07:10 AM
.*Re: flat rate shipping  bluepennylady08/05/07 10:37 AM
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