If you want to see if you created a new Invoice the first time, you can always sort your Invoices in the Grid view by "Status'. The newly created Invoice status will be "Buyer Not Contacted" So if there is an extra Invoice you can just delete the one you don't need.
If you want to delete an Invoice, go to the Invoice. Then you delete by using the "-" (minus) button on the tool bar. Or by going to "Record | Delete Invoice".....on the menu.
Anyway, to add the swimsuit to the buyer's invoice, Find the Auction lot. You might want to write down the Lot number. The Auction lot number is located in the far upper left hand side.
Return to your Invoice, On the center divider bar, where the words "Invoice", "Email" Grid" are located right above the white space. you will see another "+" sign. When you place your mouse cursor on it, the tool tip "Add Invoice Item" appears. Click it.
A dialog box opens up. In the top part you will see two options. Add an Invoice item from Inventory Items or Auction lots.
Click Auction lots.
Click "Find" which is located in the lower left hand corner of the "Add Invoice Item" dialog box. Use search by Lot # as the filter. Enter in the Auction lot number for the swimsuit.
Once AW2000 finds the swim suit, it will be highlighted in blue.
Click OK.
Enter in the price you agreed to sell it for Enter in the qty (which will probably be 1 but if you had 3 and the buyer wanted all 3, you could enter in 3 or whatever)
Click OK
And the swimsuit is added to the buyers' invoice.
Now you can send the "Follow up with Total amount due" email if you are sending the buyer an Invoice. Or if the buyer has already paid, record the payment and follow the same steps as any other Invoice.
Record the payment, method of shipping, ship date and send payment received email.
Does that help?